TLS® Weight Loss Success Story: Charese Sailor

Many people endure a lifelong struggle with weight, and prior to discovering TLS® Weight Loss Solution, Charese Sailor had struggled with obesity since she was 8-years-old. Read on to learn how the TLS program helped Charese manage her weight and, ultimately, transform her life.

How much weight did you lose with TLS Weight Loss Solution?

I lost 32 pounds on TLS® Weight Loss Solution.

What was the most difficult part of your weight loss journey?

The most difficult part was getting started mentally. I had to be prepared to go through the 7-day detox and commit to a lifestyle change. Human nature resists change even when it’s for our best, but TLS offers education within a system that makes it easy to transition into and follow. Because I ate frequently, I was never hungry, which kept my mind off of food.  I was able to overcome the fear of reaching my goals “this time” and returning to the roller coaster I’d been on from age 8.  Each day that I stayed focused I saw the results of reduction in inches and increased energy which fueled my commitment. I actually found TLS to be the least challenging and most rewarding of all my attempts to lose weight over the past 35 years.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about weight loss?
The most important lesson that I have learned about weight loss is that we should never focus on weight loss.  The focus should always be on health and to experience life to the fullest. That’s what makes the journey enjoyable, and excess fat loss will result. I truly believe it is this mindset that makes the difference in breaking the patterns of chronic dieters for good.

What is the most rewarding thing about losing weight?

The most rewarding thing about losing weight is the sense of reaching a major goal. It empowers me to feel I can do anything I put my mind to. It has been rewarding to be an example and encouraging for those continually struggling with weight management.  But the greatest reward is watching my personal experience help others achieve their weight loss goals, while leading the charge of health and wellness for my own family.

What advice can you give to people who are currently working toward their weight loss goals with TLS?

I would advise anyone working towards their weight loss goals with TLS to stay the course by following and trusting the TLS system. Remember to journal for success, and use the online tools TLS has put in place for us on Then there will be no question of if, just when.

Keep your mind on the goal and eyes off the scale…You will soon arrive!

If you have a question you would like to ask Charese, feel free to leave it in the comment section below! For more information regarding TLS® Weight Loss Solution, visit Also, check out Charese’s video testimonial below:
