TLS® Weight Loss Success Story: Jared Sparks

Staying in shape is an integral part of Jared Sparks’ career as a firefighter. Fortunately, after gaining a significant amount of weight, the TLS® Weight Loss Solution program enabled him to drop a whopping 43 pounds in 12 weeks! Read on for Jared’s inspiring weight loss success story with TLS®!

1. How much weight did you lose with TLS Weight Loss Solution?

I lost a total of 43 pounds.

2. What was the most difficult part of your weight loss journey?

There were a lot of difficulties throughout the journey. The most difficult for me was following the plan when we were at barbeques, church potlucks, etc. It is difficult to watch other people eat the foods you have grown up eating and enjoy, however knowing if you follow suit you are going to end up right back where you started. Weight loss is a mental game more than anything.

3. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about weight loss?

The human body can only take so much before normal functions do not operate as well as they used to. Adding more and more weight on your body begins to make joints sore, foot problems, and eventually heart problems. Luckily enough I did not have heart problems, but who knows when that would have happened had I not started living my life in a healthy manner. My body feels 100% better than it ever did before I started this journey. My feet do not get sore, and my joints do not hurt. The most important lesson I learned is that this is a lifestyle change, not some current diet fad. If I decide to make this a diet, then I have decided to get fat and unhealthy again. I am still on this journey and will be till the day I die. It is like starting a new life.

4. What is the most rewarding thing about losing weight?

I would say my wife telling me how incredible I look and truly meaning it. Adding to that, I am a career firefighter so being fit is a must in my profession. I have had such an increase in energy that I can complete tasks on the fireground quicker and still have enough energy to complete more assignments without becoming tired and winded.

5. What advice can you give to people who are currently working toward their weight loss goals with TLS?

Mind over matter. This is a mental game. The first few weeks are going to be the hardest. After that it becomes habit and a regular part of your life. When you feel like you’re about to slip off the trail during the journey, look further down the trail at the destination you are working hard to arrive at. You will see yourself there, and you will see the amazing transformation you have accomplished and worked so hard to achieve.

If you have a comment or question for Jared, feel free to leave it in the comment section below! For more information regarding TLS® Weight Loss Solution, visit

