TLS® Weight Loss Success Story: Kelly Whited

After being an athlete for many years, Kelly Whited became a victim to emotional eating. Consuming large quantities of food eventually began to take a toll on Kelly’s physical appearance and overall health. Fortunately, TLS® Weight Loss Solution provided a way for Kelly to successfully manage his weight and improve his emotional strength. Read on to learn more about his inspiring weight loss journey!

1. How much weight did you lose with TLS Weight Loss Solution?

I have lost 46 pounds and 11% body fat.

2. What was the most difficult part of your weight loss journey?

Getting started.  It is amazing how we know what needs to be done and we put it off even though we know it will benefit us and increase the value of our lives.  Sometimes it may be the fear of failure, or maybe it’s accountability that takes away excuses, or even not having the knowledge to know what to do!

During the 12-week weight loss Challenge my travel schedule made it difficult.  I was on the road three weeks out of the 12 and had to manage eating out and working out while traveling with some of those areas being remote where the store and workout areas were not available.  Also, physically, 3 ½ weeks into the Challenge I tore a calf muscle and was immobilized from jumping, running etc. and had to just do upper body workouts, walking on treadmill, riding stationary bike and light movement to get cardio in.  The last thing that made it difficult for me was the death of someone who was like a mother to me, and the unexpected death of my lifelong friend of 42 years.  For me, I eat emotionally to relieve stress, and managing that pushed me to grow. I also need to say that the support of my TLS coach and partner Missi Mitchell was invaluable.

3. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about weight loss?

Decisions of change cannot be made one time and then done with. They need to be made daily, reinforced with changing your identity, and eventually they will become who you are!  I learned to believe in the system, myself, and a team can make a difference.

I am 55 and many of the things that contributed to the weight gain had been an accumulative effect from choices and decisions made throughout a lifetime, so being patient and honest with myself were critical!!

4. What is the most rewarding thing about losing weight?

Knowing I can finally get ahead of what is causing this weight gain! I now have better health, energy, mental clarity, and emotional strength.  It was very frustrating having been an athlete my whole life and to see physical skill and ability decline, my energy level become stagnant and self-image decline because of excess fat!

5. What advice can you give to people who are currently working toward their weight loss goals with TLS?

Constantly state it out loud, with authority that “I AM WORTH IT AND IT IS WORTH IT”!!  Also, I would advise you to be patient with yourself, forgive yourself and surround yourself with people who are going to support the new you! Changes need to be deliberately made. They need to be supported by people headed the same direction as you are!  Document measurements, journal, and plan ahead before you are in the situation where it is difficult to make a decision.

If you have a question you would like to ask Kelly, feel free to leave it in the comment section below! For more information regarding TLS® Weight Loss Solution, visit Also, check out Kelly’s video testimonial below:
