Tonalin® CLA: Get Best Results for Swimsuit Season!

The stated goal of virtually all Transitions™ customers is “weight loss”. Another very important goal, however, should be fat loss.

It’s usually taken for granted that this is more or less what they mean. There is, after all, nothing unsightly, unhealthy or undesirable about muscle. In fact, the more muscle someone has, the healthier they’re likely to be. What we are talking about here is a higher relative amount of muscle–in other words, a higher percentage–and a lower percentage of fat. Various ways of exercising and eating have been designed to help people reach this goal, and now a simple, all-natural supplement has been developed that supports this goal.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a special type of fatty acid which comes from safflower oil, in much the same way that Omega-3 fatty acids are sourced from fish. Over 30 clinical studies have been published investigating CLA and weight management, with 18 of those studies using Tonalin® CLA, the brand widely recognized as the gold standard for its extreme purity. They’ve all had positive outcomes, with reduced body fat in test subjects.

The fat loss occurs in several ways. On one side, CLA inhibits fat storage by promoting normal levels of LPL (lipoprotein lipase–a fat-storing enzyme). It also promotes the body’s cells to be lipolytic, or fat-burning (as opposed being glycolytic, or carbohydrate-burning). Tonalin® CLA also works to preserve existing muscle tissue. Lipolysis is promoted during exercise, and adding exercise into the equation promotes even greater fat loss, while still preserving muscle. A low-glycemic style of eating–like in the Transitions Lifestyle System®–completes the package, and brings the best results.

The Transitions Lifestyle System works great for weight loss, and with the right diet, exercise and Tonalin® CLA, even better for fat loss!
