Transitions Testimonial

I am a NutraMetrix Consultant and I’m majoring in Transitions. I spentyears as a yo-yo dieter. After the births of my two children I joined Weight Watchers (and worked there as a trainer of the Leaders) after I proceeded to lose 50 pounds – THREE TIMES!! Of course each time I gained it back it was as fat. I never seemed to notice that WW was responsible both for the loss (as muscle) and for the inevitable gain! Finally frustrated (and of course fat again!) I decided that being fat was better than yo-yoing on my body — so that was that.
Fast forward 3 years later, and I became a distributor after hearing about and using OPC-3, which has helped to ease my son’s allergy symptoms. I began exploring Transitions, trying some of the bars and meals. Then one day (last sept 24, 2007 actually) it all clicked for me, and I began to watch it work.I am now able to eat sensibly, don’t feel like I’m ‘dieting’, and am really enjoying myself and my life! I’ve lost 60 pounds in the past year and have started 3 groups, with individuals who are just doing so incredibly well – losing fat and feeling great. And most of those folks started last fall just as the holiday food fests were beginning! Since completing NC training in Boston last weekend, medical practices are my big focus – working smarter and having an effect on more people just like me!

I truly can say that Transitions has changed my life, and Market America continues to amaze me and my husband. He was recently laid off and is currently exploring other options to fill in the meantime until – and we both know in our hearts – Market America becomes our exit strategy and Transitions is most definitely the key!!

Kathy Pomer

*The results described in these testimonials may not be typical. Individual results may vary. The persons sharing their stories are Independent Distributors of Market America products.

