Weight Loss and Simple Math

Most people think that weight loss can be chalked up to simple math. Calories in = calories out. You want to lose weight, then you have to take in less than you are putting out. Unfortunately, simple math isnt always so simple and weight loss actually has many factors that can turn that simple math problem into a complex algebraic equation.

Hormones are one of the many factors affecting weight loss, ghrelin in particular. Ghrelin commonly refered to as the “hunger hormone” is made in the stomach and increases and decreases with meal consumption. In the hypothalamus, ghrelin binds to receptors related to metabolism while also binding to receptors that allow you to enjoy your food. Ghrelin also increases with decreased sleep making it potentially harmful to over worked, stressed out individuals that are already not getting enough time to sleep, eat right and exercise.

Thankfully, there is good news for individuals living the Transitions lifestyle. Obesity research has found that individuals that eat a diet full of high carbohydrate, high fat meals can alter ghrelin levels leading to higher food intake, while consumption of a low glycemic diet has been shown to have the reverse effect, actually helping control satiety and hunger and making weight loss a much simpler problem. While this only takes care of one of the many factors affecting weight loss it is one of the biggest obstacles to losing weight. Think about how much easier it would be for all of us to make smart eating choices if we werent so hungry all the time.

Like simple math, check out http://www.transitionslifestyle.com/
