Wish you were here…

Okay faithful ma Blog readers…I have finally worked out some technical kinks so I’m live and in action…literally! This place is going crazy. There have been so many new announcements and unveilings made over just the past day and a half that I honestly don’t know where to begin. Just as JR promised, this has been a historic event so far. Here’s a brief rundown of what’s been going on:

  • There have been several upgrades to the UFO Apprentice program which will essentially facilitate PCs in building the business before they even get into the business!
  • We have new ma University majors including Internet Shopping and Portal Marketing.
  • We’ve taken all the excuses out of approaching potential WebCenter customers by offering a foolproof demo CD to simply hand out and wait for the retail revenue to roll in.
  • nutraMetrix had some exciting announcements including the implementation of a remarkable new service known as telemedicine, where patients can conference privately with their health professionals via webcam to discuss simple health concerns.
  • Marc Ashley unveiled the next phase to ma newsstand, where UFOs can download thousands of books, all while accumulating BV.
  • JR talked about all the free tools that come with the new subscription rate. Free audio downloads, a preloaded MP3 device, digital Powerline…it is unbelievable how much UFOs are getting with this new upgrade.

With such a magnitude of news and information, unfortunately for those at home, there will be plenty to catch up on after the show. Until then, stay tuned for the latest updates…exclusively on ma Blog!
