Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM Leadership School Recap — Day 1

Special Tribute to JR Ridinger

There’s no better way to kick off the Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM 2024 Leadership School than to JR Ridinger’s enthusiastic words of encouragement and passion! Setting the tone for this unparalleled event, UnFranchise® Owners watched with anticipation and reverence as videos of JR played, showcasing more than 30 years of inspiration, knowledge, motivation, leadership and, most importantly, belief. Touching on his most memorable words and magic moments, this tribute was emotionally moving as everyone could feel JR’s love and support throughout the room.

“Remember, I believe in you,” JR said as beautiful rays of light outlined his silhouette. The voices of Loren Ridinger, Marc Ashley, Amber Ridinger McLaughlin, Andrew Weissman and Steve Ashley could also be heard as they shared their love for JR and what he created. The tribute was a reminder that JR lives on through the UnFranchise Business and the Market America Worldwide community of people who come together because of their shared mindset grounded in JR’s vision. He truly impacted lives and created a legacy.

The Heart of Market America | Opening the Door to Market America

Marc Ashley ignited the morning session by honoring JR as the heart and soul of Market America. “None of us would be here without JR,” Marc said with vigor. With #JRFOREVER, he encouraged everyone to immortalize JR’s memory in every communication on every platform whenever JR is referenced or quoted.

Marc continued to set the stage for a day of transformative insights and announcements. His impassioned address underscored Market America’s trajectory of growth and innovation, instilling excitement and purpose among attendees. “We’re not going to be the world’s ‘best-kept secret’ anymore,” he declared, signaling a new era of visibility and influence.

Unveiling Market America’s five strategic pillars — simplicity, legendary, new people, UFO and customer experience, and branding — Marc emphasized the company’s reimagined approach to exponential expansion. He explained that selling, recruiting and shopping will be simplified across all access points and that the legendary status of ma products and brands will drive prospects and customers to UFOs. He broke down how getting new people solves every problem in the business, the company’s commitment to “wowing” every UFO and customer, and how the world will come to know Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM.

Marc spoke passionately about Market America growing bigger and better than ever in 2024. “It’s time to go on the grow!” he said. He cited results from Loren’s ongoing Blueprint for Success tour as evidence of the untapped potential of prospects — if UFOs can reach them and inspire their dreams.

“Out of all the invited guests, 50% became new UFOs,” he said. “It all starts with the new UFO.”

Marc outlined how the company makes new UnFranchise Owners feel more welcome than ever. He showed the new welcome video in which Loren speaks one-on-one from the heart: “Today’s the first day of your new life. Your future’s bright. You’re in business for yourself but not by yourself. Welcome to the family. I believe in you.”

New UFOs also now get a welcome email and, over the course of their first 60 days, a series of emails to instruct and inspire them. And every product order now comes with a thank-you note from Loren.

Marc welcomed Indonesia’s imminent entry as a Market Country. Continuing the theme of aggressive growth — “More people!” he said several times during his segment — Marc said he’d attend the opening of Market Indonesia at their first Annual Convention as well as the upcoming Market Taiwan 2024 Annual Convention.

“Loren is going to be in Asia in the fall at your events, and she wants to do some Blueprint for Success tour events in your area as well,” he said.

Marc then introduced Steve Bosson, the company’s new Chief Growth Officer.

Steve said that, before coming to Market America from several high-ranking executive positions at Avon, he had no idea how big Market America already is, “and you have no idea how much we’re going to grow.”

“You have an incredible team,” he said.

Steve urged UFOs to remember that people judge you “in the blink of an eye.” This is particularly important when describing Market America for the first time. If you say, “I’m an UnFranchise Owner with Market America,” it can fall flat, Steve said, leaving the listener confused about what an “UnFranchise” is and what “Market America” does.

Instead, Steve said, start with something like this: “’ I own a global business providing the world’s most advanced nutraceuticals in over 190 countries.’” That will create real interest in hearing more. And to introduce the company’s industry-leading product lines, he asked, “Do you tell customers and potential UFOs we have doctors and clinical nutritionists on staff developing our products?”

UFOs should be proud of the company’s $6 billion in total sales and of the “best domain name in the world” in SHOP.COM, Steve said. He also praised the GMTSS system and its “volunteer army” of dedicated trainers. He noted near 100% availability of the company’s exclusive products at all times — meaning shipping delays are few and far between — as well as the new UnFranchise Copilot AI tool.

Steve lavished praise on the company’s Isotonix® Custom Cocktail and Motives® Custom Blend products, urging UFOs to make them more of a focus with customers and prospects. In the same vein, he noted that only 62% of UFOs polled had used SHOP Global in their outreach to customers around the world; “Do you actively promote your SHOP Global sites?” he asked. “You have an incredible opportunity here.”

Praising Founder, Chairman and CEO JR Ridinger, Steve called him “an absolute genius.”

“He said, ‘Dream big because you’ll never be bigger than your dreams,’” Steve quoted. “If you’re gonna go big, you gotta dream hard. We’re going to make him so proud.”

Marc returned to the stage, declaring, “We’re just getting rolling this morning!” He recapped the phenomenal success of Loren’s Blueprint for Success Tour and announced that she is gearing up for a third leg of the tour in April, with stops in Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montreal, Toronto, Rochester and Tysons Corner. UnFranchise Owners Tom Holden and Tammy Hu joined Marc on stage to share their strategies for inviting guests to the event, which has proven successful, as they brought guests to Leadership School with them, as well as acquired new customers as a result of attending Loren’s event. They encouraged others to propel their businesses to new levels by attending a session of the Blueprint for Success Tour.

Marc announced that Hong Kong is the next Market Country to get Core 3 Health! Now, the sensational health supplement trio is available in the U.S., Taiwan and Hong Kong, with more countries to follow in the near future.

Building on the enthusiastic momentum that Core 3 Health has generated, Marc invited Vice President Amber Ridinger McLaughlin and Senior Director of Motives, Skincare and Layered Kim Ashley to join him to make another big announcement: Core 3 Beauty! Following the restore, rebuild and reset regimen of Core 3 Health, Core 3 Beauty is sure to be another success and is now available in the U.S. and Taiwan. It incorporates three powerhouse skincare treatments, including Lumière de Vie® Renewal Gelée (Astaxanthin Treatment), Pentaxyl® and Lumière de Vie The Elixir.

Other exciting news shared from the stage

  • The success Wednesday evening of The Session with Amber that included a panel discussion, Q&A, giveaways, makeovers, an intimate shopping experience with the new Layered collection, and more. The delightful event was designed to get a first look at all things beauty and Layered with Amber and special guests.
  • A new product in the Lumière de Vie line called The Essence (Hydrating Tonic) that gently exfoliates and hydrates skin for an all-day glow.
  • A new Layered collection, Mixed Metal, plus contest and giveaway.
  • Major rebranding of products and product lines:
    • Transitions Lifestyle System® has become GoTrim™, and its first new product is GoTrim Slim.
    • Isotonix’s bottle and label are changing to a simple, classic design.
  • Approval for UFOs to now use Health Spending Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards to buy 15 products.

Marc concluded by sharing Market America’s groundbreaking move to empower young entrepreneurs worldwide by opening the UnFranchise Business to 16- and 17-year-olds with parental or guardian consent. This change is a monumental step in nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs, offering them full-fledged UnFranchise Owner status. This opportunity extends across all Market Countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

These young entrepreneurs will have complete access to all our platforms like SHOP.COM, Motives, LDV and Isotonix, enabling them to earn commissions and sponsor new UnFranchise Owners. Signing up is simple, mirroring the existing process for new partners, with additional fields for parental consent for those under 18. Visit to sign up or sponsor someone today!

Allison Abbott Power Profile

Professional Coordinator Allison Abbott enthusiastically shared her insight on the importance of attending events, on the heels of the first two legs of Loren Ridinger’s Blueprint for Success Tour. As an attendee of the tour, she shared that it is “hands down the best free event for entrepreneurship and leadership that you can bring people to.” She shared that, as JR always said, the meeting after the meeting is the most important part of an event, giving you critical time with attendees to address questions and discuss next steps. She explained that the UnFranchise Business is set up to be very duplicatable, but the spirit is up to the individual. “The business is 99% spiritual and only 1% skill,” she said. “It’s really your enthusiasm, excitement and energy that will get people to go out to that event. You can use the same words and duplicate the process, but you can’t duplicate the excitement. You have to do that yourself.”

She then welcomed Cliff Hare and Kevin Duong to the stage, who echoed her sentiments and reiterated the importance of following up with event attendees. “What’s most important is that the follow-up continues,” Cliff shared. Kevin expressed the importance of UnFranchise Owners putting in the work. “The Corporate Team and Loren are working harder than ever and leading by example,” he stated. “It’s our job to lead by example by getting our tickets and making an impact.”

The Best of JR Ridinger

Andrew Weissman introduced six Best of JR Ridinger videos after expressing how humbled, honored and privileged he was to be able to share those special moments with everyone. “JR taught us to live and love to the fullest,” Andrew said. “He was an unparalleled leader in every sense of the word. He was passionate about helping others realize their full potential and using it to build their legacy.”

JR’s life lessons were captured in the most unusual analogies, metaphors and demonstrations. The first video, “Genesis of the Idea,” tells of how Market America was born from a desire to transform the inefficient mass-marketing system. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences and the power of word-of-mouth recommendations, he and Loren conceptualized a new business model focused on a connected community and shared buying power.

In “Market America Is Like a Liquid,” JR uses the liquid metaphor to illustrate the dynamic and adaptable nature of Market America’s UnFranchise Business Plan. He leans into how the Plan molds to individual dreams and goals and explains why each entrepreneur’s personal belief, commitment and efforts directly correlate to their business success.

The “Columbus Story” addresses the fear of failure in pursuing our dreams. JR emphasizes that failures are transformative experiences and encourages people to shift their mindset from merely making a living to designing a life for themselves.

Recognizing and adapting to new opportunities instead of working harder without changing strategies was the message behind JR’s fly analogy in the “Fly Against the Window” video.

JR mimics crossing over Niagara Falls on a tightrope with a wheelbarrow full of bricks to demonstrate that proof instills belief. The “Wheelbarrow” video illustrates that others will be willing to take the ride with you once you prove the Plan works.

“The Hourglass” video focuses on the value of time and the importance of making the most of every moment and relationship. The hourglass can always be turned over by anyone who wants a fresh start in life with the UnFranchise Business.

World-Class Products

The high-powered Health & Nutrition trio of Vice President of Product Development and Clinical Education Deedra Mason, N.D; Director of Sales and Continued Education, Health & Nutrition Dr. Tamara Weinstein; and Brandi Murphy, nutraMetrix Director of Training and Field Development; took the stage to give an informative overview of Market America’s life-changing products. They highlighted the new Core 3 Beauty’s heavy-hitting lineup of beauty-boosting components and their benefits: Lumière de Vie’s restorative effects, Pentaxyl’s rebuilding power and Lumière de Vie The Elixir’s ability to reset your skin. Then they segued to the revolutionary Core 3 Health (Isotonix Magnesium, Prime Anti-Aging Nutraceuticals NAD+ and Isotonix OPC-3) and how it supports your health at every stage of your day. As proof of its popularity, the winners of the recent Sell & Sail contest were honored and joined Dr. Dee, Dr. Tamara and Brandi on the main stage, headlined by top earners Supervising Coordinator June Klarik, Supervising Coordinator Aleksandra Cummings and Master Coordinator Ani Vidal.

Dr. Dee then brought to the stage former life expectancy expert and current human biologist Gary Brecka, who helped introduce Slim, the first product from the new GoTrim line that “gives muscle the home court advantage” by stacking natural ingredients like curcumin, curry and merengue leaf with the powerful ingredient Slendacor to maintain blood sugar levels, help aspects of cellular function and boost longevity.* To discuss further, Gary welcomed an impressive panel of health practitioners to discuss Slim’s many benefits. The panel included Dr. Deb Fillinger, Dr. Dan Witkowski and Penni Vachon, N.P.

The science and benefits behind some of Market America’s best products were discussed as the panel shared their knowledge on health, nutrition and overall wellness. They emphasized that our world-class products provide essential nutrients we no longer reap the benefits of from today’s food and medicine. Muscle health, skin health and the anti-aging results you could see by focusing on these areas were the stars of this panel’s discussion.

Gary closed this segment with an authentic and inspirational story about how he found his purpose in the world of health and wellness. No longer able to stand by and watch as people weren’t getting the real help they needed, he took a chance on teaching the world how to live healthier, longer lives. He said, “My purpose is to change the face of humanity by educating people enough to inspire them to make a transformation in their lives.”

He started spreading the truth about nutrients, vitamins, minerals and the science behind the human body, and now, Brecka said, millions of people are achieving true well-being from his message. His words of encouragement and passion resonated with the hearts of the audience. “I believe that if you don’t know your purpose, you’ll find it in your pain. If you can create purpose from your pain, then you’ll have a purpose fueled by unstoppable passion.”

Celebrating Success

For the event’s first session of UnFranchise Owner (UFO) recognition, Director of the GMTSS Cullen Haskins requested full and enthusiastic participation from the audience, as recognizing achievements within the business is extremely important for motivation and belief. The audience cheered along as Cullen joyfully celebrated the success of UFOs, starting with new UFOs and guests and going all the way up to International Field Chairman. Many inspiring words of wisdom were shared from various UFOs all around the world, showcasing the company’s global reach. With the stage impressively packed with the company’s highest UnFranchise Level achievers, Cullen noted to the audience looking on: “If you’re wondering if it’s going to work for you, the real question is if you are going to work for you.”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Programs, products and services featured during #MALS2024 and mentioned in this UnFranchise News may not be immediately available in all markets. Please stay tuned to UnFranchise News for future updates.