2012 Olympian Carol Rodriguez with Motives® for La La

We’ve spread the word on Twitter and Facebook. 2012 Olympic sprinter Carol Rodriguez has been spotted sporting great Motives for La La – and Motives by Loren Ridinger® – makeup. Now, she’s demonstrating some great application techniques.

You can get Rodriguez’s look for yourself by checking out the Motives for La La line on motivescosmetics.com. Try out her techniques for yourself, and share them with your customers! This is a great opportunity to demonstrate to shoppers that Motives and Motives for La La offers beauty in every shade, for every woman!

There are also some great giveaways for Motives for La La products going on around the web, like this one on Madame Noire. Find others on Mommy Noire, Style Blazer, and Bossip. Get your customers involved – they’d love an opportunity to win some products, and it’s a great way to let them know that Motives for La La is getting more popular every day. You can enter, too!

What’s your most essential shade of Motives lipstick?
