5 Best Social Media Apps

You may have a profile or account on most social networks by now, but if you’re not accessing them on your smart phone or tablet, you’re not making the most of either! In addition to finding apps for all of your social media accounts you check (or should check) daily, we found others that are sure to round out the social media capabilities of any device!

1. Twitter/Facebook for iPhone/Droid/Blackberry/etc. Twitter and Facebook have their own apps for practically every device, and both are extremely useful for updating statuses, checking messages, responding to clients and friend requests, etc. But did you know that you can “check in” to a location via the Facebook app? By letting the company or business know you’re there, you can build rapport, establish yourself as a reliable customer, and even access exclusive deals and discounts sometimes, depending on the business. You can also let friends of yours know about that business, which is great promotion for small local businesses that rely on word of mouth.

2. Instagram for iPhone and now Droid, too! If you have a device that supports Instagram, download it today! It’s so much fun to take and share the vintage-looking photos of your every life, documenting in photos instead of words. It’s also fun to scroll through the feed and see the images friends and family have shared to represent what they’re doing. Instagram integrates into Twitter and Facebook to share your photos, and is great for self-promotion if you want people to see the life you’re living (and wonder how they can make it happen for themselves!).

3. Yelp! Find food recommendations based on your location with this great app. You can also get deals, find check-in offers, find the nearest gas station, AND the best part? Write reviews based on your experiences.

4. QR Reader. There are many variations of this app and most of them work great (look for the higher rated versions when searching your app store). In a world where most on-site marketing now includes these funky little barcodes (the black and white square that urges you to “scan this with your smart phone” to learn more), it’s essential that you have a way to scan and view these codes.  Often they lead to coupons and deals, or easy ordering/purchasing like at Starbucks and Moe’s Burritos. A definite MUST-have!

5. Words with Friends.  Chances are, at least ONE of your friends is playing this extremely popular online version of the board game “Scrabble,” and if not, you can invite them! Words or spelling not your thing? Have no fear, “Draw Something” is basically Pictionary and requires little actual drawing skill.

What is your favorite social media app?
