5 Questions with Dennis Franks


You won’t find anyone as passionate about Market America as Dennis Franks.

As Executive Vice President of Market America, Dennis has traveled the world to help share his life story and help others find the success he has With Market America. He travels thousands of miles each year, working tirelessly alongside distributors and customers, promoting Market America to anyone who will listen. A typical day for Dennis includes a daily workout, and then on to the MA corporate headquarters (if he’s not traveling) where he gracefully moves from meeting to meeting with energy, intensity, and a fun loving personality that will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Trying to find time to catch Dennis for an interview can be a task in and of itself,  but we we’re able to corner him during a recent lunch break and squeeze in 5 questions. Here’s what Dennis had to say:

Q: How did you get started with Market America?

A: My first introduction to Market America was from my roommate and former Philadelphia Eagles teammate, Vince Papale (subject of the Disney movie “Invinceable”) who was introduced to JR Ridinger via mutual friends.  JR arranged a meeting with me in a real estate office in New Jersey in 1992 and presented the plan for Market America to me on a legal pad. He proclaimed he had the answer to fix the multilevel marketing industry. That was April of 1992 and I have been here ever since.

Q: What is it that inspires you the most about Market America?

A: It’s definitely the people behind the scenes that make the company work, along with the trust and  hope of distributors who look to Market America to change their lives both financially and physically. Market America is more than a company. It’s a movement – empowering people to take charge of their life through the MPCP.

Q: While with the Philadelphia Eagles, what position did you play and how has that helped you at Executive Vice President at Market America?

A: I played center and was also on special teams which helped me learn to make split-second decisions on both on and off the field. As a special teamer, my job was to set the tempo of every game, like a stick of dynamite burning down to the explosion that sets everything in motion. As the Executive Vice President, you have to exhibit careful thought and preparation as you are responsible for making life changing-decisions for distributors.  Being part of the Philadelphia Eagles taught me to work as a cog that makes a wheel turn, similar to part of the team that makes the distributor force go.

Q: Aside from playing football and helping run a multinational company, you are an accomplished musician. Will we see a Dennis Franks solo album sometime soon?

A: (Laughs) Well, playing music is all about providing entertainment to my listeners. I’m in the process of writing a few songs that tell that focus on empower and enlightening people, and hopefully to help them excel and achieve their dreams.

Q: What is something you want distributors to remember about you?

A: My wish for every distributor I work with is to have success throughout their experiences with Market America. I hope I can help them find that endless amount of energy, optimism and the can do attitude it takes to be successful. I sincerely believe that a person can achieve anything they set their mind to, and hope I have somehow helped them reach their goals.
