A Horsey Special for Equine Owners

If you own a horse then you know how expensive they can be. I own four and it seems like I spend more money keeping them up than I do on myself. Every time I turn around its time to buy feed, hay, get their feet trimmed, replace used up supplements or new vet bills. It seems like the bill for my horses is constantly going up. For a limited time now, Horse.com is offering $5 shipping on all their products. Not only do you get affordable shipping but they also guarantee to have the lowest prices.
I’m going to be taking advantage of this special and order my supplements for a lot less then I’ve been paying in my local feed store. I’m about to order more Platform Joint Supplement for my guys and it’s only going to cost $5 in shipping, no other FOB charges are being added on. What a Deal!!! Hurry up and stock up on your horse supplies before this offer ends!

If you own other pets as well, check out what Market America’s Pet Supplies Category has to offer.
