AVMA Top 10 List on Holiday Pet Health

The AVMA recently published its Top Ten List on holiday pet health.

  1. Keep table scraps out of your pet’s diet.
  2. Chocolate should be out of reach of dogs because it is poisonous.
  3. Avoid sweets.
  4. Give your pet healthy holiday snacks.
  5. Anchor your holiday tree.
  6. Never leave a pet alone with a lit candle or exposed flame, and be wary of exposed extension cords.
  7. Don’t let pets dine on holiday plants.
  8. Be careful about ornaments.
  9. Don’t go off to a holiday party and leave your pet with access to table scraps or anything that might be dangerous.
  10. Finally, don’t give a pet as a holiday gift.

Just a few things to think about with the holidays approaching.

Something else to consider during the cold wintery months is joint health. Cold damp weather aggravates the joints, especially in older pets. PetHealth™ OPC Formula (code: 5602) with glucosamine promotes overall joint health and supports the normal regeneration of cartilage. PetHealth™ Multivitamin Formulas for Dogs (code: 5606) and Cats (code: 5608) promotes the healthy growth and repair of body tissues, supports healthy muscle function and promotes healthy bones and teeth. Give your pets a tune up this winter with PetHealth!
