Behind-the-Scenes with the Publications Design Team

Just the other day we sat down with some members of our Publications Design Team to get the inside scoop on designing the Powerline, and to find out what drives these creative minds.

A small team of color loving, doodle drawing, font fanatics – the Publications Design Team spends their days creating innovative and exciting designs and layouts for the Powerline and any other printed business building materials. READ below to get to learn more about this fun-loving crew of creative types, and why they love making the Powerline look good.

Who makes up the Powerline DesignTeam and where is everyone originally from?

Holly:  I am originally from Greensboro, N.C., and received my B.F.A. in Communication Design from the Parsons School of Design. I spent the first part of my career in NYC at Spin Magazine throughout the early 90’s. I later moved on to the Advertising/Fashion department at Calvin Klein and had the opportunity to work with celebrities like Kate Moss and Marky Mark! Eventually, I returned to North Carolina as an Art Director for several national magazine accounts. When I am not working, I enjoy hiking, camping, eating (!), exploring new places and spending time with my family.

Chris: I began in Huntington Station, Long Island, NY and remained there until my family migrated south. I bounced from Greensboro, NC to Liberty, NC where I remained for quite a while. After getting married, my wife and I journeyed to Orlando FL. —  I loved it, she didn’t. So within a year we found our way back to Liberty, where we still reside.

Betsy: I’m originally from Spartanburg, SC (don’t let that get out!) but I’ve been in Greensboro, NC longer and like to think of this as my home.

Bob: I’m originally from a little town in the Steel Valley of Western Pennsylvania called Beaver Falls. Broadway Joe Namath hails from there, too!

JB: My name is Jonathan but everyone calls me JB. I’m originally from West Virginia, hence my sweet beard (Not as sweet as Bob’s).

What’s a day in the life of a Powerline Design Team member like?

Holly: Design/work, design/work, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, eat, design, work, work, work. Market America is growing so fast. We want to stay current and forward thinking, so we work hard to be sure all of the new and evolving information is in the Powerlines. The publications team handles all of the Powerlines and the business building materials. We are very busy! Not only are there 4 printed magazines, but there is also an online digital version for Market Philippines, a launch Powerline for the United Kingdom – and Mexico will be coming out in June. We work hand and hand with the wonderful editorial department on a daily basis to tie the words and art together. While the editorial team is writing the magazines, our team is designing. We go back and forth to make everything fit and look good together. It’s a fun dance we have with the two departments and I think we come out with some great work.

Chris: I wake up, fall out of bed and drag a comb across my head… ummm, wait a minute, wrong day in the life. My day begins by finding the right music to fit my mood. Once found, I make a list of known tasks that need to be completed by days end and I proceed to execute. Tasks could include any one or all of the following: color correct files for the many Powerlines we produce, develop concepts for editorial/ad designs, make an ominous sky serene and inviting, communicate with various vendors pertaining to our print jobs, confer with colleagues on overlapping projects, the list goes on….

Betsy: Lots and lots-o-changes! We all have to be very flexible because things can change around here in a second!

Bob: Some days being a Powerline Design Team member is a lot like being part of a pit crew in the Indy 500. But most of the time it feels like doing exactly what you love to do and getting paid for it.

JB: It’s very busy and a lot of multi-tasking is involved. We work on so many different jobs in addition to Powerline’s that you really need to keep track of your time and use it wisely. It’s challenging but rewarding when we receive a box of printed Powerline’s each month!

What’s your favorite part of being on the ma Design Team?

Holly: Being able to work with such great people and inspiring management who are forever keeping us busy with new ideas and concepts that we can make look good.

Chris: First and foremost, the people I work with. They’re just as off center and odd as I am.

Betsy: I love working with my publications team! We have so much fun and love to laugh! And we even get to play games if all our work is done.

Bob: My favorite part of being on the ma® Design Team has got to be the people I work with. Had they not had the misfortune to be born talented artists they could have made a very good living as stand-up comedians.

JB: My co-workers have turned into my friends. Everyone has a unique personality and our senses of humor really mesh well. If anyone heard how much we’re laughing over on our side they wouldn’t think we get any work done. It’s quite the opposite though… Like I said, MULTI-TASKING.

Can you recommend or do you have any favorite FREE design tools/tips? 

Holly: Simple is better—Favorite saying “Keep it Simple Silly”, white space is your friend and makes everything look better, don’t try to put too much on a page—you want people to be able to read it or want to read it.

Chris: Focal point and balance. These are critical to good design. Without them the eyes wander incessantly through the design searching for understanding and reason. If not found, the viewer will move on and the message the designer wanted to relay is lost.

Betsy: There are a couple of websites I use: 1) where you can find some awesome fonts for free! 2) Adobe Kuler. This website can help with color combinations and what color trends are happening right now!

Bob: My free tip is this: If you can help it, don’t be a designer. Be a doctor or a lawyer.

JB: I can spend hours a day on, so much talent and inspiration there. I love Adobe Kuler  for setting up color palettes, and Designers’ Listis like the ultimate designer toolbox.

What inspired you to want to become Designers?

Holly: I love pictures and words. As a kid I used to go around to the book stores and stay hours just looking at the covers—and would (and kinda still do) buy a book based on its cover. LOL! If it has a bad cover—yuck—I don’t want to have to look at it—I get passed it and the words take me away inside. But it’s your “First Impression” that makes a difference. I’ve always been attracted to design and knew at a very young age that I wanted to make things look good on the page, painting, video, window……

Chris: I was never inspired by any one particular artist, piece of art or creative moment. Fortunately or unfortunately, design chose me and I just followed my natural instincts. Luckily I’ve made a living doing something I truly enjoy and I am very thankful for that.

Betsy: I’ve always enjoyed making things with my hands. Then, when computers came around, I got to dream up all kinds of cool designs in an easier way. I feel that being a graphic designer is what I’m meant to do and I love every minute of it!

Bob: I first became an artist because my Mom’s favorite form of child care was to hand me a box of crayons and a wad of paper. Later, when I grew up, I decided that being a graphic designer was better than being a starving artist.

JB: Professional tennis player was my first choice, but that didn’t pan out. I’ve been the artsy creative type since I was very young, and all my notes from class just turned in to giant doodles. I also love computers and the internet….It was just kind of a natural fit for me.
