Big News for SHOP.COM!

ChannelAdvisor, the leading provider of cloud-based e-commerce solutions that enable retailers to increase global capital, has announced its 2013 Winter Release, adding support for SHOP.COM. ChannelAdvisor will provide SHOP.COM with a pipeline of new business that helps expand the marketplace and build partner programs and relations with other businesses.

As a major e-commerce software company, ChannelAdvisor partners with only the leading internet retailers, highlighting the bounding success of SHOP.COM taking online shopping by storm! The 2013 Winter Release tailors to widening the source for global demand and enhancing retailers’ platforms to establish greater control over sales, expanding the consumer base and increasing revenue.

Based in Raleigh-Durham, NC, ChannelAdvisor provides companies with feeds of merchants as a one stop shop for consumers and major companies. ChannelAdvisor allows retailers to build stronger relationships between merchants and internet retailers, which will provide you and your customers with the highest quality shopping and selling experience!

Business milestones like this not only reveal a bright future, but shine on the very bright present. Because of the hard work you put in as an Independent Shop Consultant, SHOP.COM is recognized as a leading online retailer.

Keep trudging, because there is no top to this mountain! Success is a one way road as long as you keep moving forward. Thank you for your hard work that provides the backbone for Market America and SHOP.COM.

What milestones do you see in your own future?
