Breaking News from the UK!

Market United Kingdom is on a roll – and it’s just getting started. Phil Guido, one of Market America and Market United Kingdom’s premiere UnFranchise® Owners, has been instrumental in creating opportunities for growth in this new market. Now, with the help of one of the UK’s top proponents of natural family health, Phil has found a new way to help Market United Kingdom take off.

We couldn’t wait to announce the latest exciting news from the UK. Phil Guido had a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine in London with Dr. Harald Gaier. Dr. Gaier is a preeminent figure in the UK in the world of natural and alternative medicines.

Impressed by Phil’s presentation, Dr. Gaier is now in the process of setting up a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine to allow Phil Guido and other members of the Market America Worldwide team to present Isotonix® to a team of integrative health professionals.

This one meeting could make the future of Market United Kingdom brighter than ever before! As JR Ridinger himself put it: “Connecting the right people and the right presentation through the right person is always a defining moment.”

Phil Guido is the right person – and with the tools Market America and Market United Kingdom have provided, he’s able to get the right presentations in front of the right people. This one connection may help shape the way the European market embraces Isotonix, as well as a wealth of other products from Market America and Market United Kingdom.

How do you use Market America’s top-quality products and business building tools to get the right presentations in front of the right people?
