Breaking News: The First Ever SHOP.COM Mobile Application Live and Available within the Next Seven Days!

One of the key aspects of the SHOP.COM and Market America business includes staying on the cutting edge of technology, and mobile technology is at the forefront of that platform. During a live chat hosted on the SHOP.COM Facebook page on Wednesday, May 16th, Steve Ashley, Vice President of Internet Marketing and Social Media for Market America, announced that the first ever SHOP.COM mobile application has been submitted to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Steve said, “The application will be live within the next seven days (normal approved processing time for the different markets) and will be available by searching SHOP.COM or SHOP.COM Mobile. If you currently have the ma Mobile Application on your phone, you will receive an update when the application is available in the market for download. SHOP.COM Mobile will replace your ma Mobile application.”

Taking SHOP.COM to a mobile platform is certainly the next step in staying ahead of curve, while also providing customers with the most convenient and advanced internet shopping experience available today. Steve went on to explain, “The new application is using a SHOP.COM state-of-the-art Lucene search engine on new servers, therefore enhancing both load time and stability. The application and our mobile team will be featured in the June Internet Retailer Magazine for our success as a leader in mobile commerce worldwide!”

Market America and SHOP.COM are setting the pace in a competitive e-commerce community. Keep your eyes open for the new SHOP Mobile APP – and be ready for a faster, more streamlined and convenient experience!

What excites you most about the new SHOP Mobile App?

