Connecting maChatterbox with Facebook

maChatterbox, Market America’s premier social networking hub just launched an exciting new feature.  Users that are already on Facebook can now pull their live feeds from Facebook directly into their maChatterbox account.

Not only does this make it easier for users to stay connected with all of their friends on both social networks, but it saves time in the process!

To connect your maChatterbox account with your Facebook profile, follow these instructions:

  1. Login to your maChatterbox account
  2. Select ‘edit my profile’
  3. Disable any pop-up blockers
  4. Look for the Facebook Connect icon — click it
  5. Enter your Facebook login credentials — wait for the next pop-up, it may take a moment to load
  6. Accept the four permissions that pop-up so that Facebook can connect with your maChatterbox account
  7. Once you’ve clicked ‘allow’ on the four pop-ups, you’re done!

Note: users must disable any pop-up blockers to let Facebook connect with their account.

Got a support issue or question about connecting your maChatterbox account with Facebook?

  • Follow maChatterbox support on Twitter (@MACB_support)
  • Send us an email,