Does Google+ have Facebook’s Number?

After announcing a series of major changes aimed at making its user experience more emotional, you would think that Facebook would be celebrating its domination of the social media universe.

Not so fast.

Google+, the new social network that also made big news last week by officially opening its doors to the public, experienced what some are calling unprecedented growth in just a few days’ time. According to the latest data from Experian Hitwise, visits to Google+ increased a whopping 1269% last week. And while that is a mere fraction of Facebook’s 800 million users, it seems as though the gauntlet has been laid down and the king of all social media finally has some worthy competition.

Google+ is an exciting new platform that is already showing tremendous promise of becoming a major player in the realm of social media. While the functionality is virtually the same, Google+’s clean layout and invention of a new method of friends lists called circles has made it a popular choice among those in the social media community.

If you’d like to learn more about Google+, have a look at this helpful website which offers a wealth of information on the new platform – and don’t forget to visit Market America’s Google+ page!!!

Have you tried Google+ yet? If so, leave a comment and tell us your thoughts on this social network? Does it pose a serious threat to Facebook?
