ED Confidential: We’re Listening (Really!)

Hi there Anonymous,

I was just surfing the blogs when I noticed your comment. I believe you pose a very valid point, and definitely deserve a response (that’s the beauty of this whole blog thing –FEEDBACK).

I’ll be the first to admit that the centerfold in January/February Powerline was a bit more edgy than what we’ve run historically. But we looked at it as a great opportunity to showcase just what level of success is possible with this company. Besides … it was an awesome photo! As editor, I would have been remiss not to share something that hot with members of our Distributor base who might not necessarily be “into” magazines like OD, and might otherwise have missed what turned out to be a great inside look into the lives of the Ridingers.

With that said, you needn’t worry about the dynamic of the company changing. I can’t think of any other company this size where the CEO actually knows his cubicle employees by name – or one where the Senior VP gives you a warm, sincere hug when she’s pleased with your progress on a project (We live for Loren hugs around here). In fact, that sincerity and dedication to the “homegrown” ethics and business principles is why the company remains headquartered in Greensboro – despite the fact that it would probably be easier to operate from a larger metropolitan area. The executive team values the little city that’s nurtured its success, the innumerable people who’ve helped the company grow, and their humility, work-ethic and values. In our eyes, ” Joe Everyguy ” is THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in the entire company. Lucky for us, there are over 160,000 of them!

Although JR and Loren have definitely achieved a comfortable (and yes, at times glamorous) lifestyle, they remain two of the most candid, accessible people I have ever met. And they run their company with that mindset…ma will always be a company run by the people and for the people. The opinions and needs of our Distributors have weight here…it’s the driving force behind our success.

Don’t just take my word for it; now there’s yet another chance for your voice to be heard. Those of us here at HQ want to know exactly what types of things you and our other readers would like to see more of in future editions of Powerline (and the things you think may be due for an overhaul). Just cast your vote below, and encourage other members of your team to do the same. And as always, we can be reached directly at testimonials@marketamerica.com and tellus@marketamerica.com. Good, bad or indifferent… we’re here and ready to listen!

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