Elizabeth Weber: Making History

While the nation was celebrating our 235th year of freedom, the Market America family had an additional reason to celebrate. Over the holiday weekend, it was confirmed that Elizabeth Weber became the first UnFranchise Owner to reach International Field Chairman! This is a truly remarkable accomplishment, and one that we are all very proud of.

When you consider that Elizabeth accomplished this remarkable feat during one of the worst economies in decades, it just goes to show that the American entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well – and still thrives in even the most challenging of circumstances. Entrepreneurs such as Elizabeth provide inspiration for others, and show that with the right work ethic and determination, truly great things are possible.

Elizabeth would be the first person to tell you that it took a team to accomplish this, so we’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the entire Weber team, without whom none of this would be possible. Let’s hear it for Team Weber! Your Market America family is so proud of you!!!
