Facebook Changes the Game

Facebook is an amazing tool, which allows millions of people to connect on a daily basis. It is a global phenomenon, and has forever changed the way people interact. It makes staying in touch with friends and family easy and efficient, but for Loren and me, it did have one small drawback.

Since Facebook has a cap of 5000 friends per Profile Page, Loren and I had to create a Fan Pages (which had no limit) so we could keep in touch with everyone. Staying in touch with distributors and sharing this amazing business with new people is extremely important to me, but keeping up with two different Facebook pages was a challenge at times.

When Facebook contacted Loren and me to discuss a way to alleviate this issue, I was very excited to say the least. Facebook was interested in verifying our accounts, so they could save everyone a big hassle and merge my Fan Page and my Profile Page. They did the same thing for Loren’s accounts, too!

Now I can talk to everyone from one central location on Facebook. If you had previously “Liked” my Fan Page, you will now see that you are “Subscribed” to my Profile Page. When you visit my Profile, you will now see a “Subscribe” button in the upper right hand corner of the page (if you are already a Subscriber, you will see “Subscribed” instead).

VISIT MY FACEBOOK PAGE BY CLICKING HERE, and then click the SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right.

VISIT LOREN’S FACEBOOK PAGE BY CLICKING HERE, and then click the SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right (see below).


I think this is a remarkable change that Facebook made for us, and I couldn’t be more pleased. It allows Loren and me to communicate with everyone on Facebook from one convenient place. Visit us today on Facebook – and become a SUBSCRIBER!
