Get Cashback on the Hottest Deals this Season


As I drove to my Grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving yesterday, I passed a few retail stores with massive lines of people – who were camped out for the Black Friday deals. I thought to myself as I drove by, “don’t these people know about the Internet?”

Sure, in years past waiting in line for the best holiday deals was standard practice, but as we move further from the Stone Age, the idea of waiting in line seems so passé. I do all of my Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping online through SHOP.COM for a few very simple reasons.

Call me crazy, but I kind of like getting Cashback on the things I buy. In this day and age, when the economy requires everyone to think creatively in terms of spending, I find that simple programs like Cashback can really make a difference. The great thing about Cashback is that this works with partner stores too.

Say you’re shopping for a new refrigerator this week, trying to get that elusive Black Friday deal. Instead of going to your local Home Depot and waiting in line for that shiny new fridge, visit Home Depot online through the SHOP.COM web portal. Not only will you get Home Depot’s great deals – you’ll also earn 3% Cashback in the process. That really adds up on big ticket items like refrigerators and dishwashers.

If you remodeled your entire kitchen and bought all new appliances this way, just think of how much Cashback you would receive! To find out more about the great deals you can get this holiday season, visit the Hot Deals section on SHOP.COM.

You’re just a few clicks away from getting Cashback on the best deals out there this holiday season. Happy Hunting!
