Important Update to the Appeals Process

UnFranchise® Owners, take notice! Market America has changed the process by which you submit procedural or policy grievances, and it’s going to make things more efficient for everyone! 

Under the previous appeals process, Distributors could submit a letter detailing their grievance directly to the Appeals Board. We found that this course of action made it next to impossible to keep up with the needs of the field, so Corporate created a new procedure that will allow us to resolve requests in a more efficient manner.

The new procedure is as follows:

  1. You, the Distributor, will first contact your Sponsor, Upline Executive Coordinator or Certified Trainer for assistance using the tools the company has provided you (Career Manual,, etc.).
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved by your Sponsor, Upline Executive Coordinator or Certified Trainer, you should follow the normal customer service process by calling or emailing the appropriate department at the corporate office. The customer service departments are now responsible for a complete and thorough review of your inquiry using resources like the Career Manual,, reports, etc. These materials contain the guiding principles we use to determine the outcome of all decisions.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the decision made, you have the option of pursuing the matter further. To do so, you must submit a letter to the Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) along with a $50 filing fee.

It should be noted that on occasion there will be a decision made that is not in your favor. Please understand that Market America strives to maintain the integrity of the Marketing Plan – which is the lifeblood of our business – in everything that we do. Because of this, we cannot accommodate all requests to overturn decisions that are not in your favor.

We are very excited about this new policy enhancement! Not only will this new procedure be more efficient and effective, it will also help Distributors learn and grow their business with their Upline leadership group!

To learn more about these revisions made to the Career Manual, visit your UnFranchise® Business Account, click Downloads, and locate the Career Manual.
