Sneak peek: Increased ma Cashback

Wanted to a take quick moment to share with you a screenshot of the new increased ma Cashback screens from Internet retailer, Market America. You should start seeing these new screens appear on very soon.

On these new screens, you will notice the following:

  • Products offering increased cashback from Market America will feature a green ribbon.
  • The amount of increased cashback you will earn on a product is identified by a yellow tag, displaying the old amount and crossing it out to show the new amount.

Earn increased cashback from Internet retailer, Market America

Internet retailer, Market America offers increased cashback

While other programs have recently ended their cashback program, Market America continue to enhance their program, now offering up to 35% cashback from a number of your favorite retailers.

Check out to search, shop, save and earn cashback on your purchases!


Christian Karasiewicz
Internet Marketing and Social Media Manager
