Loren Ridinger interviewed by Hope Today!

Loren Ridinger

It has been an extremely busy 2011 for Market America’s Senior Vice President, Loren Ridinger. Last week, her cosmetics line, Motives® by Loren Ridinger was featured on Beauty Info Zone. In addition, Loren and her husband, JR Ridinger, were featured on the January cover of Haute Living Magazine where they discussed Market America’s acquisition of Shop.com.

Today, Loren’s shares her advice on the website, Hope Today on how she is ‘making a difference in the marketplace.’ As any business owner knows, you need to have the drive and motivation. Learn what helps keep Loren focused.

Congratulations Loren on a terrific article! Great advice for anyone looking to start a business, make a career change, or for those needing that little push to help keep them going!

If you would like to connect with Loren Ridinger, you can do so on Facebook or Twitter.
