Loren Ridinger Shares with The Huffington Post

Loren RIdinger is making headlines in the Huffington Post  – as an author! As a regular contributor to this well-known news and information resource, Loren’s spreading the word about Market America and supporting the ma brand by sharing her advice. With two new contributions, Loren is opening up with some advice near and dear to her heart, both as a mother and as someone who has faced a serious health issue. You can catch these great articles for yourself.

The Power of Positive Thinking: Taking Charge of Your Attitude: As an advocate for taking charge of your health care, Loren has a lot to say about ways to take an active role in promoting your wellness. Now, she’s sharing her experiences and tips for using a positive attitude to support your own well-being.

Facing the Truth: Determining the Warning Signs of a Bully: Loren Ridinger isn’t just an entrepreneur, fashion icon and innovator – she’s also a mom. New technology has increased the intensity, frequency, and invasiveness of bullying, Loren gives you her advice on how to identify if your child is being bullied, and what to do about it.

Whether you’re curious about how positive thinking can impact your life or you’re concerned about bully in your child’s life, these two articles on the Huffington Post are great reads. Be sure to LIKE these posts on Facebook, and Share them through your social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Google+) to spread the word to your friends. Just click “Like” or “Share” in the “Share this story” box on the article page!

You can use Loren’s expertise and advice to help prospective business partners know that Market America is more than just a business – it’s a community of entrepreneurs led by great minds, like Loren Ridinger.

What’s your favorite advice from Loren?

