Market America Cracks Top 100 in Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide

Internet Retailer recently announced its annual “Top 500” rankings, and Market America not only made the list for the first time, but debuted in the exclusive top 100, with a ranking of number 66.

The Top 500 guide breaks down financials, operations, customer satisfaction, performance, marketing, corporate information, web site features and functions, payment systems, and vendors. Additionally, those ranked in the top 100 are profiled more in depth with a corporate overview and 2008 highlights.

Internet Retailer pointed to Market America’s launch of MA MY World, dedication to improved site search and launch of MA Chatterbox as among the significant achievements the company has made recently. Among mass merchants, Market America was ranked 13th in 2008 web sales and among all retailers offers the 4th highest amount of SKU’s at 35 million.

Internet Retailer is the leading publication in e-commerce and its Top 500 guide is used by thousands as a reference point for the world’s top Internet companies. Inclusion among the top 100 Internet companies is further proof that Market America and Customer Managers are taking their place as leaders in Internet and One-to-One Marketing. The print edition of the Top 500 guide will be available in early June and can be purchased by visiting Internet Retailer’s Top 500 Guide website.
