Market America adds home shopping list

Work and shop from home with Market America and a home shopping list

Christmas is here — well not quite, but it’s pretty close. Internet retailer, Market America, just announced the addition of a great new feature — the home shopping list, a convenient way to identify and save items you use most often within your household — when you’re shopping at Market America. This new feature should make shopping and earning between 2% to 50% cashback even easier!

The home shopping list affords shoppers the ability to choose from a list of product categories they purchase on a consistent basis and then suggests products available at Market America.

Here’s a rundown of some of the features of the new home shopping list:

To begin using the new home shopping list, visit Market America and click the ‘home shopping list’ next to ‘more services.’

Note: For now, this new feature is only available on the Market America web portal. UnFranchise owners should start to see it appear in their back-office towards the end of November, where it will add in the ability to create profiles for existing customers.

Happy shopping with your new home shopping list!
