Market America jumps 34% in Internet Retailer's Top 500 list

As I’m sure that most of you are aware by now, Internet retailer, Market America, is on the fast track to success, climbing Internet Retailer’s Top 500 list. After debuting at #66 in 2008, we jumped 12 more spots in 2009, climbing to #54 on Internet Retailer’s Top 100 list based on 2009 sales figures.  We’re extremely excited about the recent news. In fact, this is nothing short of remarkable!

If you dig a little bit deeper though, you’ll find the main reason for this jump.  In just one year, our sales grew more than 34 percent!

That’s more growth than Amazon, Wal-mart, Apple, Best Buy or any other online retailer currently ranked in the Top 25.

With 2010 being the first full year that our incredible ma Cashback program is live, the sky’s the limit.  Take a moment and help spread the word so that we can continue to keep the momentum going strong. Invite everyone you know to become a customer and to try out Market America and our cashback program.

What number do you think we’ll hit next? Leave a comment.
