Learning to lead by example

Often, I send you videos, articles or studies on what is happening in internet marketing and social media in attempt to wake everyone up.  Please take a moment to read the following article on internet marketing and social media data.

I hope you are beginning to realize that we are not crazy and JR is not “changing from what we were.”  You cannot be an Ostrich with your head in the sand and hope to succeed or survive.

This is about leading the parade and jumping on top of the tidal wave of growth that is sweeping the world.

You do not want to become like the old person who is out of touch and cannot use a cell phone, get online or map directions on a GPS system. Rather, they  sit on the porch and rock while life passes them by. He who hesitates is lost. If this does not tell the story—I do not know what does. This particular attachment is worth studying—please take the time to read it.  It is very relevant to what we are doing and many of our initiatives.

As I say countless times, you do not know what you do not know, in fact you do not even know that you do not know it!  These are things that everyone needs to know and keep focused on as we progress forward! It’s time for everyone to wake up and understand the playing field we are on and engage the opportunities. I recommend you print out or save the document. It tells a powerful story and is a strong indicator that our strategies are on target and we should integrate them into every aspect of what we do. It should permeate our thinking at every level.

It is critically important that you and all of your group and customers:

The future is here. Where are you? You are with a company that is ahead of the curve and where the opportunity is.  It becomes crucial that you are at International Convention and that you do the same with your team so that you all can benefit by learning about new developments so you do not have to explain them all.  Most people do not even have 2 to 8 beans in their bean jar and that is why they do not make 6 figures. These techniques and practices help to fill the bean jar for you so that you can succeed. When they succeed you succeed. But you must first lead by example. I hope you get it.  Know ye the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free!

Keep growing.

