Market America Pulls a Media Hat Trick

It was a good Friday for Market America in the press, with Market America’s growth, expansion, and successes featured in the Triad Business Journal (article requires a subscription to read beyond first few paragraphs), CBS News-2 (see video below) and NPR radio (requires a podcasting client).

All three center around the news that when others are laying people off, cutting back hours, or closing all together, Market America is hiring at least 50 new employees by the end of 2009, mostly highly skilled and good paying jobs that are centered around Market America’s continued online expansion and product development. Once the new hires are complete, these stories point out that Market America will have increased its workforce by 78 percent since 2007. Additionally, the Triad Business Journal reported on MA Global, a site launching in June that will allow Customer Managers to sell products in markets MA does not currently serve such as the UK and Mexico.

Job creation, financial growth, and expansion of features to Customer Managers and customers led Triad Business Journal columnist Justin Catanoso to declare that Market America is “recession proof” and “on a roll” in the CBS News-2 video. It’s nice that the media is starting to listen to what JR has been telling us all along!
