Market America launches new Shop Partners page

Just last week, Internet retailer, Market America unveiled a newly redesigned homepage. With this new homepage, Market America has now made it easier to shop and to earn cashback on purchases that customers make.

This week, we’re rolling out a redesigned shop partners page — which you should start seeing on your web portal starting today.

Shop partner stores and earn cashback at Market America

This new page adds in a long list of new features that should now make finding your favorite stores to shop at and earn cashback from even better. Take a moment a check-out these notable enhancements.

New features on the Shop Partners page:

  • More featured stores
  • Ability to sort by cashback percentages
  • Ability to sort by IBV percentages if you are a PPC
  • Partner store detail page to where you can get more information about a partner store by clicking on the store name
  • Ability to filter down to the stores that you want more easily
  • Filter by category
  • Filter by available offers
  • Filter by partner type (EZ-Cart Stores/Regular Partners)
  • Refine your search with highlighted categories
  • All stores now listed on one page