Market America YouTube Commercial

Someone mentioned that Market America has video-clip commercials on YouTube, so I decided to go check it out. This specific one is pretty funny, thought I’d share it with everyone.

Objective analysis of the commercial from my personal point of view:

Plus: Funny, eye catching
Nutral: Not bringing up company brand till the very end. I know it’s the new trend of TV commercials in this century, but it really doesn’t help out brand awareness/recognition for a brand that’s not on the average shopper’s “top of mind” in the shopping category.
Lack: The commercial did its job, which is to be funny. As far as messaging goes, it sends the message of “Shopping online is better than shopping in brick-&-mortar stores”, which is great. But I personally think it also should included the message of and reasons for “shopping at is better than shopping at other mall-sites.”
Overall: Great commercial, looks extremely professionally made, funny, and not intrusive.

How about everyone else? What do everyone else think of this commercial?
