Networking With Other Successful UnFranchise Owners

How would you like to have an UnFranchise® owner who has earned more than one million dollars talk to your prospects? ‬

Internet retailer, Market America, has been capturing video testimonials of those Distributors and UnFranchise owners who are members of the Million Dollar Club, a Distributor who has earned in excess of $1 million dollars in commissions.

These short videos are a very effective prospecting and recruiting tools! Take a moment and learn about more about these successful UnFranchsie® owners and consider  reaching out to them so that you can network with them and learn even more.*

*Market America will continue to capture video testimonials at our upcoming ma® World Conference.

Lisa Wun: Executive Director (Earned $25,000 to $35,999 in four weeks)


Melissa Conley: Executive Director (earned $25,000 to $35,999 in four weeks)


Jim & Mimi Litterelle: Director (earned $18,000 to $24,999 in four weeks)

