New Research on Diet Soda!

How many diet soda drinkers do we have out there? Personally, I never felt bad about drinking diet soda because it has no calories or sugar. When I saw the results of this new study, my opinion changed.

The January 2009 issue of Diabetes Care published some alarming new research on diet soda consumption. According to this observational study, participants who drank diet soda at least daily had a 67% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared with individuals who did not drink diet soda. They also reported that individuals who drank diet soda at least daily had a 35% increased risk of metabolic syndrome.

I’ve talked on here before about my multiple Diet Pepsi each day habit. I like the sweetness and I need the energy boost from the caffeine. Luckily, there is an alternative that I like even more. If you haven’t tried AWAKE™, Market America’s healthy, caffeine free energy drink, you need to get some. AWAKE is great because it only has 35 calories per serving, it’s caffeine free and its full of energy-boosting B vitamins along with other essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It tastes great and it gives me the kick I need to get through my day full of energy.

Did you know that we just launched a new AWAKE website? You need to check out to view awesome AWAKE recipes, learn more about what makes AWAKE unique and submit your AWAKE stories and testimonials! See you there!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
