New Research Supporting Low Glycemic Eating for Diabetics

Just wanted to share some exciting news published in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners/American College of Nurse Practitioners, Vol. 4, Number 9, October 2008,, page 688

The article is entitled: Low-Glycemic Index Diets: Should They Be Recommended for Diabetics?
The article was written by: Alison McGonigal, RN, BSN, Jane Kapustin, PhD, CRNP, assistant dean for master’s studies and an associate professor at the School of Nursing and an NP at Joslin Diabetes Center at University of Maryland Medical Center.

Abstract: Diabetes continues to be an overwhelmingly prevalent disease worldwide, and its occurrence continues to increase. It is well established that medical nutrition therapy is effective for glycemic control, but the exact diet recommended to diabetics remains unknown. The relatively new glycemic index and the low-glycemic index diets are gaining momentum, but their place in diabetic therapy continues to be controversial. This article presents a review of the current literature on the LGI diet and its relation to glycemic control in diabetics. There is ample evidence that the LGI diet significantly improves glycemic control in diabetics, but there is also much criticism.
The article is 9 pages long and includes a chart summarizing relevant research on effectiveness of LGI diet on glycemic control which includes 10 studies, all concluding that LGI diet helps improve glycemic control.

I hope you guys enjoy it!
