News from the Newsstand

I wish we had pics for this. It’s sweet beyond words.

Chris Riggs, CEO of Imirus (our digital newsstand partner) gave a sneak peek of the beta version of maNewsstand. Imagine being able to download the latest issue of Powerline – for use as a viral marketing tool for all your prospects, suspects and preferred customers – with dynamic links embedded within the document.

See an ad for Pentaxyl that you like? Click on the image and be taken to the Pentaxyl page on the portal. Checking out the new Pet Health products? Click on the bottle to see a video demo. Want to congratulate Joanne Hsi for making Field President? Click on her image and be taken to her Power Profile page.

I thought I had seen ALL of Market America’s newest upgrades and expanded features… but this caught even me by surprise. The power and potential is unbelievable!
