Pamper your heart with CoQ10

CoQ10 has been known to be one of the most studied nutrients in heart health maintenance. It is a fat-soluble coenzyme and is an essential component in the action of enzymes. CoQ10 plays an integral role in energy production in the body. Since nearly all cellular activities are dependent upon energy, CoQ10 is essential for the health of all human tissues and organs.

All cellular functions depend upon the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a molecule with three high-energy phosphate bonds, which exist in all of our cells. It is the primary energy source for many metabolic processes. Coenzyme Q10 is essential to the ATP production process, and the heart has a high metabolic demand, which is why normal levels of CoQ10 are associated with good cardiovascular health.

Since CoQ10 has its highest concentrations in the heart and all the tissues in the body, the heart requires the most energy to fuel the body and to keep the heart maintained at a healthy level, CoQ10 levels must be normal. According to the American Heart Association, the average person’s heart propels 2,000 gallons of blood through 65,000 miles of blood vessels by beating 100,000 times each day. Thus, large amounts of uninterrupted energy are needed to keep the heart beating. Thousands of mitochondria are needed in the cells of the heart for proper functioning.

Throughout the aging process, the body’s ability to synthesize CoQ10 begins to decline. Sometimes this is due to stress or infections, but the main challenge is a poor diet. Heart Health™ Advanced CoQ10 is a blend of CoQSol-CF™ and vitamin E, designed to promote overall cardiovascular health. CoQSol-CF™ is a unique, patent-pending formula of CoQ10, food grade d-limonene (which serves as a non-polar, organic solvent), and tocopherol (vitamin E). This combination creates a liquid, crystal-free solution of CoQ10 that provides enhanced bioavailability. By improving dissolution, absorption is enhanced.

So pamper your heart with CoQ10. Your ticker will thank you!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


3 thoughts

  • Baylor University recently conducted a study of CoQ10 and its effects on exercise.

    Researchers investigated a CoQ10 supplement and its short-term effects on exercisers’ muscles and long-term effects on endurance. The study involved 22 active and 19 sedentary healthy, young men and women. Participants were randomly administered either a placebo or the CoQ10 supplement twice a day for two weeks. Blood and muscle tissue samples were collected from all of the participants on the first day of supplementation and after each series of exercises and endurance tests. The results revealed that the individuals who took the CoQ10 supplement showed increased levels of CoQ10 in their muscle tissue. After two weeks of supplementation participants receiving the CoQ10 also performed better on the exercise and endurance tests. The researchers concluded that these findings suggest CoQ10 may affect the body’s short and long-term responses to exercise.

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