Photos from Troops Serving Overseas

As many of you may know, Market America has been donating products and employees care packages to troops serving overseas for some time now. It’s just a small gesture of our appreciation for the incredible sacrifices they make day in day out. As someone whose brother has served in the military for over 15 years, I definitely have seen these sacrifices first hand as I’m sure many of you have as well.

Recently, Market America received a thank you note and photos from Master Sergeant Travis Scott Bertram, who is the nephew of a Market America Distributor. Travis has served in the military for over 20 years and has been deployed to Iraq seven times. While Travis was quick to thank Market America for donating products to his platoon, Market America would like to thank Travis, the 118th Aero Medical Evacuation Squadron and all the troops serving overseas. The appreciation the troops have shown Market America for such a small gesture compared to what they do has been truly touching. Those included in the above pictures along with Travis are Major Kendall Sawyers who has served 15 years in the military and Tech Sergeant Chip Beal who enlisted immediately after 9-11. The 118th Aero Medical Evacuation Squadron’s most recent deployment saw them flying in C-130’s over Iraq, picking up injured soldiers and bringing them to Balad, Iraq so they could then be transported to Germany and ultimately home to the US.

I would also be remiss if I did not mention the incredible job that Brandi Quinn, vice president of operations at Market America, and her team does in organizing the shipments overseas and keeping employees updated on what the company is doing so everyone can pitch in. She would never admit it, but after seeing her office filled with products and care packages, not to mention the logistics of getting packages to Iraq and Afghanistan, it takes a lot of effort from Brandi and her team to make it happen.
