Quarterly Audios are Available for Download


Your quarterly audios are available for download.  I encourage you to listen to them as it will set the tone for you and your business as we get 2012 off to the right start!  Simply log into your UnFranchise account, click ‘audio downloads’, then click ‘audio of the month’.  You will see the titles marked ‘new’.  Below are the titles and descriptions.

Pulling it All Together and the Three Major Plays with JR Ridinger  (ADL2193/CADL2193)

President & CEO, JR Ridinger, discusses how Market America is leading a social shopping revolution and changing the way people shop.  JR enlightens you on how Market America is getting bigger, better, faster, and easier to change the way people shop and change the economic paradigm where anyone can become financially independent by creating their own economy.  Learn the three major plays for the months of December, January and February to take your business to the next level.

Generation Y and Building Organizational Growth with Andrew Weissman & Jim Winkler (ADL2194/CADL2194)

Executive Director of Field Development, Andrew Weissman and VP of Sales, Jim Winkler describe the characteristics of the powerful new generation of entrepreneurs – Generation Y (Millennials).  The Millennials are 80 million strong and poised to be the largest, most educated and the most diverse in American history.  They are believed to be the most technologically advanced and globally minded generation of consumers to ever exist. Gen-Y officially surpassed the Boomers to become the largest consumer demographic in America and are a force on our culture and society.  Learn how to recruit Gen-Y entrepreneurs and the proven principles to ensure consistent organizational growth within your organization.

Phase 2 Shop.com integration with Marc Ashley (ADL2195/CADL2195)

COO, Marc Ashley discusses why the combination of Market America and Shop.com will rival the Internet’s number one online retailer and positions Market America to lead the social shopping revolution.  Learn about the benefits, features and functionality from integrating Shop.com and marketamerica.com.  Marc provides a complete update of our integration efforts as we combine technologies into one powerful platform.  Learn about the Phase 2 integration efforts and new programs to make developing your UnFranchise business easier and faster.

Role of Leadership with Dennis Franks (ADL2196/CADL2196)

Executive Vice President, Dennis Franks discusses the fundamental business and life techniques and principles that have proven to yield maximum results.  You will also gain insight on the importance and how to work smart by building your UnFranchise business from event to event.  Role of Leadership is a review of what it takes to successfully develop your UnFranchise Business. Dennis reinforces the Base Ten/Seven Strong principle and how leading by example is the best way to get results.
