Recap from Loren Ridinger at the University of Miami

Yesterday, Loren Ridinger, Senior Vice President of Market America, headed over to the University of Miami to their Launchpad event to meet with a number of budding entrepreneurs and to talk about the importance of branding.  For those that were not able to attend (because you were in class), we have a short clip from Loren’s presentation for you!


In case you’re interested in viewing Loren’s presentation, it is available by clicking here.

[Update: you can also view Loren’s entire hour long presentation here]

For those that were in attendance, what was the most important thing you took away from Loren’s presentation? Leave us a comment!

[slideshare id=7525614&doc=loren-ridinger-miami-2011-2-110405125746-phpapp01&w=550]
