SHOP.COM™ Sites Go Live In 3 Days!

This is the moment everyone has been waiting for. In 3 days, Market America Shop Consultants and UnFranchise® Owners will experience the biggest upgrade to their businesses since the company was founded some 20 years ago. Phase I of the new SHOP.COM sites will go live Monday, September 26!

What does this mean for you and your business?

•            If your previous Web Portal address was, you will now also be able to go to

•             You and your customers can shop from either site with a single sign-on. Individual Cashback accounts, customer details, and other information will be synced between the two.

•             The ability to start inviting friends from your SHOP.COM site will be available.

•             Market America will be targeting SHOP.COM’s millions of existing customers to earn Cashback and be assigned a Shop Consultant, which means more customer leads for you. Now is the time for you to get qualified on the IBV program so you don’t miss out on getting these customers! Qualify by following IBV Bonus criteria:

1.            Complete the Getting Starting Wizard

2.            Order 10, 20 or 30 IBV each month by your Q-date (Based on your IBV commission earnings)

3.            Make $50 in personal purchases from Partner Stores by your monthly Q-date

4.            Generate 50 BV in sales from your Web Portal, Mini-Website(s) and/or PC Autoship by your monthly Q-date from Preferred Customers

Your New SHOP.COM Site Will Feature:

•             30 million products including Market America brands and EZ Cart Partner products

•             Cashback, Hot Deals, Coupon Codes and other great components from

•             Easier site navigation

•             Cutting edge comparison shopping engine to make it easier for your customers to find products

•             Top search results

•             Buying guides and Trend Shops to help you and your customers make the most informed purchases

Below is the link to a 9 minute video featuring Market America’s Chief Operating Officer, Marc Ashley discussing the Market America / SHOP.COM integration strategy.  I encourage you to invest 9 minutes to understand how we continue to change the way people shop and how the integration will positively impact the growth of your UnFranchise business.

