Simplifying Your Business: Auto Submission of F1000

Beginning next week, your UnFranchise Business gets even simpler! As we discussed at last week’s World Conference in Miami, we are working on ways to help streamline and simplify your UnFranchise Business, and we’ve got one of these simplification initiatives all ready to roll out for next week!

Simplification was a major theme for MAWC2014, and beginning next week your Form 1000 automatically submits for your 001 every quarter! Each night the system will check to see if you have at least two receipts that together total over the needed amount for your Form 1000.  When the system sees you have enough to fulfill your Form 1000 it will automatically submit your Form 1000 for your 001, while attempting to use the minimum number of receipts necessary.

If you need to submit a Form 1000 for another business development center like your 002 or 301, you will still need to do that manually, but the process to automatically submit for your 001 will run every night to see if you have enough receipts necessary to complete your Form 1000, and submit if it sees that you do.

After the system automatically submits your Form 1000, you will receive an email and an alert letting you know that this has been completed for you! Beginning next week, this will be live in all “Market” countries including USA, CAN, MEX, AUS, TWN, HKG, GBR, and all EMP countries as well.

This is just one more way we are simplifying our system and saving you time so you can focus on other business building initiatives!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

Want more updates like this from JR Ridinger? Visit his blog to stay current on Market America news, events, announcements – straight from our CEO himself! 
