Social Media Monday: Top News Stories from Around the Web

There’s always something new and exciting happening in the world of social media! Whether it’s an article about making the most out of LinkedIn or a news story about a new Twitter feature, there’s always something new to read, learn about, or explore. Keeping up with all of the latest social media news can be a daunting task, so we’re here to help! Here’s a quick run-down of last week’s top 5 social media news stories you should know about.

LinkedIn and the context of social media etiquette
Helpful tips for abiding by unspoken social media etiquette rules while using LinkedIn.

Social Media Monday: How you can take advantage of Instagram Direct
Helpful tips for making the most of the newest Instagram feature, Instagram Direct.

26 ways to make Pinterest work for your business
Are you on Pinterest? Then you will want to read these 26 easy ways you can leverage Pinterest to build your business.

How to craft the most retweetable tweets
If you’re not engaging with your followers on Twitter (or vice versa), you’re missing out on the most important aspect of the social network! Read these tips for writing the most retweetable tweets.

5 biggest social media lessons of 2013
2013 was a big year for social media! Check out the top 5 most important things we learned from or about social media this year.

These are some of our favorite social media-related news articles from the past week, but we want to know about yours! Tell us in the comment section below which topic or article you think was especially noteworthy this week.
