Social Media Monday: Top News Stories from Around the Web

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today we’re sharing some our 5 favorite social media news stories from the past week. Whether it’s an article about making the most out of Instagram or a news story about the new update made to Facebook Brand Pages, there’s always something new to read, learn about, or explore. Keeping up with all of the latest social media news can be a daunting task, so we’re here to help! Here’s a quick run-down of last week’s top 5 social media news stories you should know about.

8 Ways to Get the Most Out of Instagram

There’s always something more you can do to boost your business via social media. Check out this artcile “8 ways to get the most out of Instagram” for tips for doing just that.

Facebook Updates Company Page Design and Introduces “Pages to Watch”

If you have a Facebook Page for your UnFranchise Business, this is need-to-know info!

20 Apps You’ll Need for Better Instagram Pics and Videos

This is a fantastic source! Check out this list of 20 of the best photo and video editing apps to download to your phone.

Getting Started With Blogging: 16 Resources to Boost Your Blog

Thinking about starting a blog? Look no further than this article for inspiration, direction, and a little help with getting started!

10 Reasons Nobody Reads Your Blog and How to Fix It

If you already have a blog, chances are your numbers could use a little help (hey, we’ve ALL been there before!). This article highlights some of the areas of your blog to improve (or throw out all together and start from scratch!).
