Study finds bottled water just as polluted as tap water

I came across this article today about a study conducted on bottled water that showed some brands to be just as polluted as tap water. We have been hearing that our bottled water oftentimes is no cleaner than tap water for some time now. But here is a study to demonstrate it. It should be noted that the out of the ten brands of water in the study that were tested, two of the brands showed to have contamination above standard levels, but what about the other eight? The study showed that the other eight had contamination below the standard and weren’t studied any further. It would be nice to know what is an acceptable level of contamination – especially considering we use water for more than just drinking. We use it for cooking, showering, bathing, brushing our teeth, for our morning coffee and washing our dishes. It is interesting to note that the researchers recommended that people concerned with water contamination should consider a carbon filter.

PureH2O™ uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration that filter out more contaminants than other filters. Check out the Performance Data Sheet for a more complete list of the contaminants that are filtered.

Another thing to consider is the convenience issue. Bottled water is simply more convenient and perfect for anyone who is on the go. For those of you who want a more convenient option, try out the Sports Bottle; it allows you to filter your water wherever you are. It’s just as convenient as bottled water and definitely more cost effective considering a bottle of water is now more than a dollar. You can also fill up a reusable water bottle using your countertop or under-sink system. Neither of these options contribute to waste in landfills. Drink smarter, cheaper, healthier and more eco-friendly with PureH2O!

