Amazing updates to the UnFranchise ordering system

Autoship products from Market America - UnFranchise

Developing your UnFranchise® business just got easier. Market America just deployed an incredible new feature to the UnFranchise ordering system which is sure to be a game-changer. This amazing new technology supports our growth, and makes the process of developing the UnFranchise business bigger, better, faster, and easier.

Essentially, the new system is an automated transfer buying generator that helps you keep your favorite products in-stock by shipping them to you automatically.  I’m very excited about this new technology, and the potential it holds. To find out more about this amazing new feature to the UnFranchise ordering system, check out this message from Market America’s Chief Operating Officer, Marc Ashley:

Last week we launched an incredibly exciting new feature to the new UnFranchise ordering system. Similar to how the web portal works when you complete an order, you’re now prompted to add the items to AutoShip.  We have added the same functionality on the new UnFranchise ordering system too.  For those of you who have not used the new UnFranchise ordering system you really should. It offers the same great user experience on your portal, but for your UnFranchise orders. Call it 3.0 technology.

Now you don’t have to order these items and they can ship to your home whenever you choose so you can focus on building and growing your business.

This is only the beginning, as we have more new tools, technology, systems, and products which will be released at our upcoming International Convention, so stay tuned… In the meantime, keep checking for updates on my blog.

Keep growing. I believe in you.

JR Ridinger
