Updating your maChatterbox status

OK — so you’ve just connected your Facebook and Twitter accounts with your maChatterbox account. In addition, you’ve learned how to add new friends and follow people on Twitter through maChatterbox. So what’s left?

To help you get totally connected, now you can update your maChatterbox account, your Facebook status and your Twitter feed right from within maChatterbox!

update facebook twitter status on machatterbox

To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. In  the box that says ‘what are you doing,’ enter your message
  2. Want to include a hyperlink, enter it into the box next to ‘get url’ and click ‘get url’– it will shorten it for you!
  3. Use standard Twitter lingo — like RT @marketamerica in your status update
  4. Select if you want to update Twitter or Facebook or both with your message
  5. Click ‘post micro blog’
  6. Done!

Remember, if you’ve got questions or issues and want to get them answered, you can follow us on Twitter (@macb_support) or email us at chatterboxadmin@marketamerica.com to get your questions answered.
