Using Twitter to Locate New Prospects

As we begin our exciting expansion into the United Kingdom, I’m sure many of you are asking yourself – “How do I tap into this exciting opportunity?” Many of you may be wondering “I’d love to expand my UnFranchise® Business into the UK, but I don’t know anyone there.”

You don’t have to live in the United Kingdom, and you don’t even have to know anyone in the UK to get a foothold in this incredibly diverse market.

How you ask? It’s simple – you utilize social media. Social media networks were built with the expressed purposed of connecting with people you know and engaging with new friends, and make the perfect platform for locating new prospects for your business – even in the UK.

One of the easiest ways to use social media to find new prospects, whether they’re in your hometown or across the globe, is to use Twitter’s amazing Advanced Search function. This feature allows you to refine your search with keywords, and really drill down to specific locales – to help you find interested prospects.

Here’s a step by step breakdown of how you can use Twitter’s Advanced Search to find new prospects. We hope you find this information helpful, and if you’d like to share any tips of your own, feel free to leave us a comment!

1. Log into your Twitter account.

2. Visit!/search-advanced  (this will take you directly to Twitter’s advanced search page).

3. On the Advanced Search page, try typing in “Motives cosmetics®.” You can also search for multiple terms, such as cosmetics, and entrepreneur – but for our example we’ll use Motives cosmetics.

4. To find people based on their location, click back to the advanced search page, type in “Motives Cosmetics” for the search, scroll down and enter in “London” for the location (or wherever you are searching), and select the distance around this location you’d like to search. (Let’s use 100 kilometers for our example).

5. At the bottom of the screen, click “Search.”

6. You will now see all the relevant conversations about cosmetics occurring within 100 km of the London. If the results don’t pop up right away, it’s ok. Twitter is a worldwide company so search results between countries may take a minute to update.

7. Read the conversations and engage with the people you find. Offer advice and answer questions, and soon enough you’ll be making new friends in the area with common interests. This is essentially the same thing as walking up to a stranger in a grocery store, and striking up a conversation. But instead of wasting time and gas trying to meet people, an advanced Twitter search makes this activity extremely efficient.
